Monday, November 5, 2012

Tekkit Server- Base Building

I finally got around to make a real base on my server. I was browsing the interweb the other day, and saw a pretty cool looking castle that I really liked. I tried to copy while building, but I couldn't make the main castle in the side of a mountain, due to a lack of mountains. Anyways, the idea is pretty awesome, but difficult to mimic. I also need to tekkit a closable porculus, because the fence ones are useless for keeping creepers out. They look like what I want, they just aren't what I want.
I didn't have much time to work on this, in fact it was the work of only a couple hours. I was busy chainsawin trees (IRL). Anyways, These are some pictures of my base as is. Any holes you see are the result of creepers trying to help me dig.
The entrance to my base. To the left, right, and behind are creeper holes.  There also appears to be a creeper in the middle of the street...
This is the whole thing as seen from the top. From left to right, the building are: Unused/ food storage, beer brewery, and machine room. The tower at the top is the mage tower. The walls are all hollow, which is not as useful as it seems. I had creepers spawning it them for ages until I stuffed the place full of torches. 
The contents of my machine workshop. In comparison to the other server....
My machine are in the other server
The contents of the mage tower, a Power Flower! This room is very difficult to get into. You either have to take a very long path thru the walls, or travel via sewer.
My house (castle) The towers in the corners keep spawning things into my castle, which I haven't fixed yet. Sheesh.  There is nothing worse then escape ing from the monsters outside only to find a creeper waiting for you next to your bed...
My throne. With real gold. Also the ground floor of the castle. Too bad there isn't actual chairs in the game, otherwise I would use one of those. 
My nice pretty bedroom. The third floor is empty, it will have my enchanting table and stuff in it.  I was trying to add the awesome item displays from 4.2, then realized its tekkit :(
 That more or less summarizes my base right now. My sisters is almost started- she has a floor made. I have no idea what she is trying to build, otherwise I would do a whole bunch of it. It will probably take her forever to finish it. I have been thinking about just building her something, but also I need to teach her.
We went mining again, which was similar to the first one. I came over to her base, and she was really high up, trying to get more stuff. I told her that 16 blocks above bedrock is the best spot, and then she managed to get lost. The result was another mineshaft, again made by my magic destruction catalyst. I found her even more diamonds, as well as a pile of other crap. Sooner or later I will start teaching her about machines, because she is still using a stupid vanilla furnace. She should upgrade to a macerator and a electric furnace, or a tablet. That is kind of what the goal of sending her to the nether was, to get her a transmutation tablet. Most people who play Tekkit hate EE, because it makes it too easy to get anything. I think it is good, partially because of all the all the cool stuff, but also because then I can do shit with my dirt and cobblestone. Still, parts of it are OP. The gem amour is just a 'little' too strong.

I also had some 'fun' playing with the mo'creatures. I had noticed before that there was almost no mo'creatures spawning. There was three ostridges, five goats, and seven pig things. And that was it. Nothing else. on the entire map, or spawning, or anywhere. At all. After screwing around with the files, I finally managed to get the damn thing to spawn. Now there are horses and birds and stuff, but I still can't make them into pets. Nor can I ride any of the animals, which kind of screws up the whole point of horses. I am trying to find a solution to this problem....

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

1.4 Live and Stuff

So, over the long weekend, caused by the Hurricane that came up and murdered New England, I played lotsa minecraft, as well as tekkit. The hallows eve update went live last Friday, so everything in the previous post is now available in the normal game. Tekkit is still running 1.2.5, now two updates behind. I discovered that, in the 1.4 update, witches never spawn when I tell them to. I made a SSP world, but even when I found a witch hut, no witches spawn. NOTCH WHAT AM I DOING WRONG!!!!!!! I find this most annoying, because I want to kill the witches. I also did not get around to going to the nether to see the wither skellys.
Anyways, I finally got my sister to play more. I made myself a new tekkit server, and also installed mo'creatures onto it, because it does not come in tekkit normally, and I like mo'creatures. After a long, long time of screwing around with the files, I managed to make the damn thing work properly. Then I got my sister to start playing,. although at first she started a SSP tekkit world. Annoyingly, she figured out how to get stuff with TMI (too many items), and now prefers being able to cheat all the stuff into the game. Coupled with Mo'creatures, it is very difficult to get her to play on the much more important server.
Nice diamonds you have there....
Due to my amazing abilities, the first night was very easy to survive. I got my wood, stone, then made a base in the first couple minutes. Then I found a sheep, and had a bed for the first night. After starting my mine, My sister joined, and I got her some stuff for a bed. She built a house (hovel), and then promptly got killed. Annoyingly, so did I while running to give her wool. Then she came back, found a village, and got killed. I went afk and got killed a couple times. Then I started doing stuff, and got my EE stuff running. I now have one powerflower of mk3 stuffs. I also made a destruction catalyst, so mining is very fast and efficient. Anyway, after a while my sister came back on, and managed to actually not die. She made a mine, and found diamonds (I found the diamonds with my diving rod, but showed her where). Then we went to the nether in my nether portal, and her many deaths let me practice the use of the tp server command. She went to get glowystone, but did not. She tried mining the nether ores, which seems to have aggroed all of the pigmen. Brilliant. I don't think a single ghast has come around, but she has still managed to die 8 times. Actually, there was a couple ghasts. The first one I hit with his own fire ball on the first shot, before I could fly. The second I killed with its own fireball while flying over the ghast's head. I hope that she learns some very valuable lessons from this such as nether=bad.
After it mostly empty. And that top bit went from bedrock
to the surface
And that summarizes the current events of the server. Also worth mentioning, My base is one again inside a volcano, and I already have a flying ring (first thing I made with dark matter). I also had some fun pumping out all the oil I found in the volcano. It seems as though there was a massive reservoir of oil under the volcano. After pumping it all out, I had about 40 tanks of oil, which is like 800 buckets of oil or something ridiculous like that.

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Minecraft 1.4 Update!

So, I was... ummm... doing something that I can't remember, but the important part is that I ran across the Minecraft Wiki's list of 'updates'. I found the sub-page thingy that allowed me to see all the changes that were made to the prerelease of the next version, 1.4. It also had a handy download link to the prerelease. So I downloaded it, and this is the summary of the new stuff that will be coming out.
Fences around the new plants
The first thing I did in the new map was cheat into creative mode, then start playing with new items. Firstly, there are now more kinds of fences! Instead of only the wooden ones in the past, there is now a cobble and mossy cobble fence. They work the exact same way, just look different. Also, there is a new kind of button. It is made of wood. The only difference that I can find is that the button can be pressed when shot with an arrow. Also, buttons are now crafted with only one of the blocks, instead of two stacked.

Plant Pots and Display Signs
There is also many new foods to be added, as well as new crops. There are now carrots and potatoes that can be grown. I was unsuccessful at growing any, but that was probably because of my pet pig. Anyways, potatoes and carrots grow like wheat normally does. They can be cooked, and you can make golden carrots, which I figure are similar to golden apples. Another new food is pumpkin pie. I have no idea how it is made, or what it is. Probably another cake.

There are also a couple new cosmetic items. There is a painting-like item that can now be crafted, except it allows you to display a item. It does not remove the item from your inventory, so cannot be used as storage (Glitch?). Nevertheless, it can be useful to tell what items are in a chest, or to display your epic enchanted diamond sword. Also, plant pots were added. They don't seem to have any use except to make your house look pretty. You put non-food plants into the plant pot, and then can place the plant pot. Whoot.

Wither, New Boss
There are also NEW MOBS! Hostile ones, not friendly. There are now Withers. They are basically nether skeletons, except they have a sword, not a bow. They are also far tougher then normal skeletons, cause their nether beasties. Also, many creatures now drop their heads. You can wear these instead of a helmet, or place them as trophies. With Wither heads and soul sand, you can craft the second boss in minecraft: Wither. I probably got the nether wither name wrong, cause they are different. This is a nether-ified boss, which means all of its attacks explode :O. Also, he attacks any non-nether mobs.
Wither Skelly
Also new are witches and bats. This is going to be a Hallow's Eve release, so there is lots of halloween stuff. The witches have their own happy houses in the swamps, which seem to spawn them. They are not very strong, and are fairly easy to kill. However, they are very dangerous, because they throw potions. The bats are just random creatures that don't drop anything, and just flap around and annoy you. They are found in caves.
Babie Zombie in Full Diamond Armour...
Also, apparently mobs can now pick up dropped items. Some spawn with armour, and they drop it/their weapon when they die. Also, baby zombies?
Anvils are also to be added. They allow a player to repair items, and keep the enchantment. You can also combine multiple of the same item with different enchantments to get one item with both enchantments. Anvils have the same gravity effects as sand and gravel, and if it falls on you it hurts. Even better yet, you can now change the name of items! You can name your Fire Aspect II diamond sword Birsingir.
The Four Levels of Beacon Tower

There are also a way to magically obtain potion like abilities from a temple. Using diamond and/or emerald blocks, if you make a temple thingy and put the new beacon block on top, then you can make it have a radius that gives useful abilities, such as extra damage, higher jump, faster movement, or a couple others.
Its also easier to drive pigs. there is now a carrot on a stick, which allows you to steer the pig, instead of just being at its mercy.

So, this should be going live shortly, as Hallow's Eve is coming up in only a week or so.

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Diggin Minecraft Style

So, the server is still down. This time it looks like it might be final, which would really suck. I was talking to the host the other day, and he told me that when he was booting up the server, he got a 'critical error' of some sort, and was unable to actually make the server work. This is the first time we have had to deal with this, and it might be a lethal problem.
Also, I did not have time to do anything else on my sister's server, so nothing new their either.
So, I spent the last couple days watching minecraft youtube videos. I was watching the Yogcast tekkit movies. I finished the Sips and Sjin ones, finished the ones with Simon, watched a couple of Ducans, and am currently watching Rythians. Somewhere along this, I ran across the Minecraft Parody of Gangnam Style, Minecraft Style. This led to me watching bascially every Minecraft Parody song ever. The good ones are TnT, Revenge, Dwarf Hole, Fallen Kingdom, and Screw the Nether.
Dwarf Hole is the most useful, because it is a song to sing while mining! I am going to chat this whenever I am mining in the game.

I am a Dwarf! Dig Diggy Hole!

Monday, October 22, 2012

My Pet Annoyance

Sigh. Yet once again the server is down. I had so many hopes on things to do this weekend. Instead, I was stuck doing all sorts of random, boring stuff in REAL LIFE. NOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!! Anyways, Saturday I went to Best Buy, and got my pet annoyance, aka sister, a minecraft account. They sell game cards that you can redeem, which saved me time and effort. After fighting with it until we got her account to work, we started a new world. It is in Minecraft 1.3.2, not Tekkit, but at the same time I haven't played much at this new update, so it is mostly a new experience. Speaking of which, some ores drop xp now! I gained over 15 levels while mining. Then I ran into lava, but whatever. The server we play on uses the new LAN addition, so it is just a single player world that we move around. I keep moving it back to my computer, which I put SPC on (single player commands), and therefore I can just get back all the stuff I lost. The last thing I did recently was build myself most of a house. It is two floors, although the walls are mostly glass. I have a second floor window that is about 20 blocks long. There are also two random towers that come out of it. The next thing(s) I am going to do are make a treasure room, and also finish my garden. Also, SPC means I can copy some of the buildings that make up the nearby village, and make more villagers! And now I can trade with them for stuff, so yeah!
I am going to hate making the treasure chamber. It will be a button that moves the floor with a piston, but I suck with redstone, so this may actually be very difficult to do. This is one of the parts of tekkit I really love, how much easier it is to do stuff with redstone power. Also, all the chests are so small! I only used crystal and diamond chests on the Tekkit server, which hold 3-4 times as much stuff. Also, I can't condense anything! I have to actually get everything by hand. Except not, because I have SPC.

Anyways, I was trying to teach my annoyance the basics, but she was kind of difficult. I did the proper thing, and set up a nice hut on top of a mountain for the first night. I got some food and other crap and set up my base. Then I SPCed a massive area full of mycellium, and filled it with animals. My sister, after spending a couple days running around to make a house, decided she was going to make a cake. I was trying to get her to learn the basics of mining, but she was far more interested in not. While making her cake, and I was not on, she managed to cause creepers to blow half of my place up. I had a nice cocoa farm, wheat farm, and animal farm, but she managed to break most of it. This led to me making my new house, by the village. I may give her my old house, which is near her compound of 3 houses. She keeps upgrading, but is too lazy to break the house. It was also funny watching her in combat. She got owned really badly. Hopefully later I will be able to teach her how to survive properly, and then we can move onto Tekkit.

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Auto Crafting Room Remodeling

After going back to my solar array generator, I went to see how much stuff I could make. I had a couple stacks of generators, and after hooking it all up made a hole lot of low solar arrays. SAdly, all these only made me a few medium voltage arrays, but there wasn't even enough to make one HV solar array. So I decided I had to make a nice, clear, easy to use system. Now I have completely upgraded the room, adding condensers to the wall so that I can easily get the infinite materials I need into the auto-crafting tables. I also made the third row into a furnace row, so the stuff I condense can become materials that cannot be condensed, like refined iron.
This is the tables themselves, which right now the whole set of them is pumping out generators. The pipes leading into the tables are now diamonds ones, so if I want I can redirect the stuff to skip a table, like what is around table three in the picture.
Also, ignore the chest on top of a condenser, that was for making furnaces before I realized furnaces had a EMC cost, and therefore that bit was useless.

Much more awesome is the wall of epic stuff. It was cleverly arranged with much time and effort so that each row corresponds to a crafting table, so the first row only goes to the first table, the second only to the second, and so on. the only problem is that the output is always pumping, so the extra crap in the condensers will be pumped out also. There is a downside, Which is that it does not take long for the table to become full, as it doesn't feel it necessary to distribute them into a nice, sensible pattern. So there is probably a bazillion random pieces of junk floating around.  I may try to make my trash out pump be more expansive, and go to the entire floor so there is never any junk laying around. As it is, the pump, that doesn't really get anything so I have to do it all by hand, pumps into a condenser that is supposed to make crap. It needs to be modified to work better, though.

From the Outside 
Because I had nothing better to do, I also took a whole bunch of pictures of the nuker's base. It is a complete mess, although he seems to be doing more or less the same thing, making solar panels. I am just far by far more organized about it. I actually visited him while he was doing some work on his ones, and it was kind of funny to watch him make the parts by hand. Especially when he broke the chest all the stuff was in and he had to pick it all up. His place is ridiculously massive, but it is really sad  how cramped the place is. Plus most of his place is just empty space, he only has a couple floors made out of all the ones he could. He also gave up on the paneling on the outside, after most of it got stripped off when a nuke went off too close.
His messy base, nowhere near as neat as mine
Some of his crap doesn't even make sense, like the three glowstone arrays below. They don't do anything at all, I don't think.

The only thing he has I don't is a automatic sorter
Also the mysterious secret tunnel in the server host's base. After I had set up my amazing teleporter, I realized that it would be much more awesome to have put the teleporter at the bottom of this hole. I may move it someday, but it is not a pressing matter at all. In fact, this would probably be a better use then the one right now, cause its not being used for ANYTHING!

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Sky Net

Now that the server is back up, I finally can start to do all the brilliant new ideas I've had. The first thing I decided to do was build a city around my volcano. This seemed like a good idea, and I built a couple building before becoming completely bored out of my mind. After a bit of exploring, which I will summarize in a moment, I decided to build Sky Net. It took a while, cause I made a whole bunch of computers which require red booles or something like that. They take forever to make, so my computer network took ages to do. Then I made a massive building which I set all the computers and wires up on. There was no real reason for any of it, cause I'm not going to use them for anything, but they look cool. Then, with much effort, I made 'sky net' in the ground using the weird mini-blocks. Then I made some terminators (iron golems) to guard Sky Net.

After this excitement, I got bored again. I was thinking on what some of my friends had said, and one thing I had been told was to make another ground at the top of the world. Fun as that would be, I decided instead to make a terraformer. That did not take long, and the next question was what I should do with the terraformer. They have different setting chip thingys, that make the terraformer do different things. I was unsure which one I wanted. I had previously gone flying around with a Philosopher's stone, converting the desert into grasslands. So what I wanted next was to grow plants everywhere. I had the choice between irrigation or cultivation to do this, but I have no idea which. While deciding, I saw a mushroom one. It turns all the ground into myserium or some such, and plants mushrooms everywhere. I obviously had to choose that one, and now it is running outside my volcano. I had a slight problem with the power, because the two geothermal generator I hooked up weren't doing shit. I wanted to make some High voltage solar arrays, but as it turns out those are super resource intensive. I looked up the materials for a high voltage one, and it required 8 med voltage ones. one med voltage costs 8 low voltages. one low voltage costs 8 useless solar panels. Each no-voltage requires a generator, which require tons of resources. In conclusion, all I could make was one medium voltage array.
Shroom Land
I decided that I was going to try to make a whole bunch more. My auto-crafting room is now being put to good use. I have discovered that I might have to do even more work on the place, because currently my condensers, induction furnaces, and pipes almost completely cover the floor. I may try putting all of the condenser systems on a different wall so that They are not in the way. Anyways, after the 24 hours it has been running, I sure as hell had better have a pile of generator components. I did not have enough space or tables to do the whole thing.

Back to what I did whilst exploring, the nuker told me that the guy who quit the server had been back, and had made a new base. However, by 'accident' he had blown up the base while nuking some random cobble/water mess. It was underground, so theoretically it makes sense. Nevertheless, I would not put it past him doing it on purpose. Now there is a big wooden structure of his name in the bottom of a crater.

One of the next things I am thinking of doing is coming up with a defense system. I had a clever idea that involves a forcefield that gets put up around the person, and is a zapper forcefield, because I think those are one of the few things that can hit thru all armors. I also look forward to seeing how many solar arrays I can make, as well as how crazy the mushroom world is. Its really annoying, because the terraformer not only converts the ground to myserium, but it also converts the mushrooms it plants to mysterium, then plants mushrooms on the mushroom corpse, leaving a massive mushroom tower of doom.

Monday, October 15, 2012

Back to the Old Server

Anyways, as I have angrily mentioned in many earlier posts the main server has been down/running extremely laggy. Over the last couple weeks I have slowly tried to fix the problem. At first I though it was the massive quarries that I have, so I spent ages going to all the effort to shut them down. I made a condenser and put everything into it, making uranium because it is fairly expensive. This was a great way to show just how bad the lag was, because it kept condensing a couple stacks, then glitching them back and disappearing the new uranium. One time that I logged in another person was on the server, and they informed me that it was only laggy once I logged on, and I figured that that meant it was some part of my base.
At long last I decided it must be part of my boat, after flying around and seeing which chunks took the longest to load. It was pretty obvious when the boat chunk took around 10 minutes to fully load. Then I decided the only solution was to blow up the boat. That idea went out the window once I realized that the only explosives I had were nukes, cause I wanted to keep my base. So instead I shot lava balls at the place, but those did not even render. I managed to get into the boat and attempted to put lava in there. Then I reloaded the game, because the lava wasn't lava-ing.
When the game was slowly rendering, I saw a bazillion items floating on the ground in front of me. After everything loaded, I realized that all those items were under one of the chests. I happened to have a black hole ring (sucks all nearby items into my inventory) which I turned on, and then got close enough to grab it. There was easily 50 stacks of crap, and before too long I had almost filled up all of my alchemy bags. After I picked all it up, the game had started running a little faster, but it was still laggy. I figured that meant that there was a least one more pile. I started smashing the hull, and suddenly found another pile! I picked it all up and BAM no more lag!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Happy days! Then everything caught up, and half the boat burned how after the lava ball from forever ago spawned and caught up with real time. So now there is no more lag and only half a boat. The moral of this story? Quarries into condensers, not chests.  Anyways, now I can update previous posts with pictures and write something new. And open my goddam forcefield so I can get into my goddam base sheesh.
The Evil Boat of Lagging Death

Friday, October 12, 2012

Mine Own Server: Live

I finally have the Kargeth map (almost) just how I want it. I upgraded to the newer map, so I had to do everything I did before again. On the plus side, I finally got around to adding singleplayer commands to tekkit, so it was remarkably easier to replace my house. Just had to write //replace cobblestone netherbrick and BAM all the cobble is magically changed to netherbrick. So now my house is pimped out, although I accidentally changed a little shack to intenseness also. I also did more exploring, which turned out to be a problem. I had visited the desert city, which I had to fix because the 1.3.2 item id for an upside down wooden plank is the same as an energy condenser from Tekkit 1.2.5. After that I went to the monastery lands. This were kind of cool, but after a bit they all burned down. These were the only places that actually had fires in the fire pits, and that means that the wooden buildings burnt down. If the people who made it read this: DON'T LIGHT THE FIRES!!!!!
After this, I had some fun with the older map. I didn't need it anymore, so I blew it up. With nukes. Then I went running around with the mining laser, until the game crashed. This was the first time I had set a nuke off on water, and it had a kind of cool explosion result. Now it looks like the two cities went to war. Kargeth proper won, cause theres nothing left of the other place. Next thing to kill, desert town.
Now I have made the server live, and all I have to do is set up cracked tekkits on my other computers.
More recently, because the other server is working again, I decided to go to war with everyone. I made is super difficult, and made billions of creepers, then got a laser gun and started playing survival. Then i pulled out some heavy explosives and started blowing creeper filled buildings to smoke. I then started running around, blowing holes in walls. Then I lit everything I could find on fire, and nuked some key buildings. It was vert entertaining and I had like 40 levels before I accidentally nuked myself. Then I loaded my boat full of nukes and blew it up in the harbor of Kargeth. Sadly, 20ish nukes completely killed my game. It was nice watching the mini map slowly have a bigger and bigger black splotch. Thus ended the server, and the cities of Kargeth as the entire world was destroyed by nuclear fallout, which prevents anything from being able to move, and therefore everything starves to death.

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Mine Own Server- World Design

I was following up on a few ideas on what I should make the server like. First I tried making it all by hand in creative, but I got pissed after not even making a full wall. Then I spent a while browsing thru downloadable maps made by other people that had massive castles. I found many that were very crappy, and I tried out and did not like. Finally I found one I could stand: Kargeth. For Your viewing please, I present pictures of the world before I edit it. 

The harbor has a few of these massive ships of it. I think there are three in the main harbor and a couple more at other places. Kargeth city also has a massive ship factory. 

This is a picture of the town in general. I think that building in the middle is the church, which is one of the biggest buildings on the map. To the left is the watchtower hub, which is by far the biggest building around. 
A random part the place that I don't recognize. It may be from the new update, which I didn't realize existed until I had already started modding the city to fit my needs. 
A random shot taken from the top of a one of the ships in the harbor, on a warm summer morning.
This is my house. Although it looks remarkably different. On my server, Kargeth is under a evil rule by mineself, so my house had to be changed to basalt brick walls and nether brick roofs. It is taking forever, and I have been doing some clean-up on the messy halls inside. I prefer space to fanciness. Once the conversion is completed, I will take a picture of it. I also will see what is up with the new one, and if there is a way to combine them while keeping my upgrades.
The other bigish house in the background is some manor or another that I haven't explored. In fact, I really don't know anything about anything on this map. I've only gone into a few houses, and I've flown along all the roads to see the outlying towns. There are massive wheat fields all around, so I will never starve to death. if I survive the creepers, zombies and skellys that walk the streets. My house keeps filling up with creepers around every corner, spidys in the basement (where there is a portal that looks really intense) and... more creepers. I will have to make sure that it is well lit before moving it to the SMP server. I also broke all of the flags around, because I don't like them. I also replaced the massive banner on the watchtower to a more demonic-looking flag. So its a black creeper face on a red background. 

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Mine Own Server

I had some extra time yesterday, and so I felt compelled to try making my own server. It was nowhere near as difficult to do as I had thought. After I set it up, I wanted to give my person a whole lot of items, so I wouldn't have to go to all the work I had to deal with before. However, the /give command was only available to use by admins, and I was not a admin. Of course, after making myself a admin, it still would not work. So I spent a couple hours trying to make this work, and still have not been successful. After a while of this I got pissed and just made a single player creative world. then I filled some chests with every item ever. Then I took the save files and made them the server world, and after running around was able to find where I had put the chests. So now I have an island full of items, and all that is left to do is choose between another volcano fortress or an island castle. If I make a new place, I have to come up with a few designs. This means image browsing :D
Maybe a awesome spaceship? Way back when on the Vanilla server me and one of my friends tried to make a flying saucer base. It did not work to well, because vanilla doesn't have the necessary cool stuff. With Tekkit it might work though... 
I don't have the focus for it, but a massive estate full of many buildings would be sweet. I one tried to make something like this, but got pissed at it after a while and blew most of the world up. This would defiantly be the best idea, but it would also be the most difficult and time consuming to make. 
Another idea that I have done before, make the Isengard tower from Lord of the Rings. I made one of these once, although I did not keep it for long. I am unsure about making a tower tho, because it can be very hard to fit all my stuff in the small floors. I've had them before and regretted it. Maybe it could be the centerpiece of the previous idea.
Another idea would be to have a dock-like base. This would probably work out well,  because the place that all the items are in is right on the water, making it conveniently located. Perhaps this idea could combine withe the second one. This would all be so much easier if I did it all on creative. Maybe I could single-play the base and then re-upload it. That might actually be the best idea.
Lastly, a tree house would be cool. I have gotten very adapt at making these, as I had around 4 made on the vanilla server. They are so useful, you are off the ground so creepers don't spawn on you, and you can see for miles around. The one problem is the flammability....