Wednesday, January 9, 2013


I was surprised yesterday to discover that there is finally a version of Tekkit upgraded to the new version of Minecraft. However, it is still not complete, because some of the mods (EE) are still not upgraded. So they created effectively a beta version of Tekkit to appease all of us that have been demanding a new version. It has finally, come although most servers will probably be running Tekkit Classic for a while until there is a complete and stable version available.
The new version of Tekkit not only is for newer versions, but it also adds some new mods to the mod list. Factorization is a new one that I have not experimented on at all, so don't know about. TreeCapitator is AWSOME! It cuts down all tree above the bit that you cut, still damaging the axe as if you had but instantly. Combined with the jungle trees or the massive rubber trees, this can be impressive to an extreme. Another added mod is mystcraft, which has been in other Technic Pack packs, but I have not looked closely at. I think it is a complex version of EE2, with emc as a liquid. I might be wrong. Also, EE has been (partially) upgraded to EE3. It is not finished, and basically doesn't work, and the whole concept of it has changed. It is not finished and just glitches to death right now, so avoid it if you can. Hopefully this will be fixed soon, although it is very different now :(. All you people who complained about how OP EE2 was,you can rejoice now.
I will be looking for a server to play on for a bit, although might do some SSP first to learn the mods I do not know.

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