This has caused me to have to think about ways to solve this. Once upon a time I tried making my own server, as I have a fairly powerful computer that I am sure could handle it. It was not a problem in the least to run, but I could not make it accessible from other computers. Apparently I have to do a crapload of editing to both the system settings, mess with config files, and that is just to make it run for me. The hard/impossible to do bit is 'forwarding' my IP, so other people/computers can connect to the server. If it worked, I could have another server to play on, and maybe find a way to make it run on all the computers in the house without needing a account and password. I will have more updates about this at a later point if I manage to get such a server to run. Or if the damn one we have now ever works.
On the plus side, my elevator now is protected by a massive forcefield that also prevents most of my house from ever getting nuked. Even with a hundred million of them. Although that would probably result in lag worse then the server has now.
Another plus to having my own server would be that I can grief all I want. I can blow everything I ever wanted up, and piss off everyone ever on the server. Without nukes though, cause thats just uncool. I would probably ban red matter armour and gem armour, if I could figure out how, so that combat is a bit fairer.
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