A couple more days have passed in BF3, and I either found the server that everyone that sucks goes on, or I am starting to get used to the controls. Yesterday, in one match I actually had more kills then deaths! 32:30! This is quite an improvement over the typical 8:49 or so. As a result, I have unlocked many, many more accessories for my scar carbine thing. The unlocks are based on the number of kills, which I currently have 85 of. Annoyingly, the most resent upgrades basically allow me to make this medium-range machine-gun into a sniper rifle. Why would I ever need a scope for a weapon that is supposed to be used at almost-close range?? Well, a snipers scope. The holographic sight that I use is actually really useful. I also got a whole bunch of ribbons, which don't really do much except give extra points. I got a lot from using a carbine rifle, a lot from avenging my fallen team members, and a lot from saving my almost-fallen team members.
The round that was 32:30 I did amazingly well (for me anyways). The round started, I heard gunfire, and one of our team got the first kill. I ran into someone, panic-fired, and got the second kill. Then I became the squad leader (Which was awesome because we also got the best squad award that round :D). After that I was just pwning everyone, running into the mess of crates in the middle of the map, and running around corners, and seeing the other guy go around a corner, then kicking their ass. I even got some kills with the pistol I have, which is really bad, as well as a few assists/suppression assists from blasting in the general direction that bullets were coming from after being just revived. In fact, almost all of the 30 deaths were from: (In this order)
Mostly: Snipers- damn their hides! I'm scoping at the only hill on the map, seeing if it worth going up. Then I see the glare of sun off the barrel of a rifle. Oh noes! a snipe-POW headshot I be dead again :(
A fair few: Trying to use a repair tool to kill someone - it works like a knife, so why can't I get a kill? Right- I can't get a kill with a knife either. I run up behind them, attack them with it, do some damage, then get shot in the stomach until I die.
Two or three: Getting killed by the admin for using RPG - but I need 20 rocket kills to unlock a gun! And they keep giving me such great set-ups! Although I seem incapable of killing anyone with it anyways. It hits right next to them but doesn't even do damage.
Ummmmm.....too many: Not realizing I'm standing on a grenade- shut up. Just don't say anything. I am probably the only person on the server that actually got killed by a grenade, so it is an accomplishment.
All these are clearly not just me sucking, unlike it was before, when I could attribute almost all of my deaths to:
Someone who has actually played this game before. And they have a really good gun that can blast me from anywhere on the map, that sprays 1500 bullets a minute, and two hits are lethal. Or they have an AK with no accessories and were just shooting at a wall, when I stupidly walk into a wall of lead. Or I was standing still and got knifed. Or blew myself up with the RPG. Or was in a epic showdown in which the boxes above the other guys head got shredded, along with me.
My the next things I plan on doing is
1) get up to 100 kills with the scar so that I can get the infrared sight, which will be useful on almost all of the maps. This hopefully won't take to long. I only need 15 more, so I might also unlock the next two accessories in one match. The bipod (useless) and some other dumb sniping scope.
2) Learn to fly!!! I have no idea how you go about flying around, and every time I try I crash. I figure that the best way to deal with this is to go on an empty server and get lots of practice without people trying to shoot me out of the sky. Don't they realize that I am so likely to crash that their missiles don't really change anything? Although, come to think of it, I probably annoy many people when they waste all their heat seekers at me, only to have me crash into the ground just before the missiles hit. HA! take that you bastards.
3) try to find someone that will kindly let me kill them once with the repair torch, cause I'm never gonna get a real kill with it.
4)Get those 20 rocket kills. Hopefully this won't be too hard. Maybe I can ride shotgun in a transport chopper, and use my RPG from up there. New game strategy - GET TO DA CHOPPAH! Just don't try to fly it...
5)Find someone that will let me kill them with the EOD bot, which is a repair vehicle that you remote control, and I haven't tried because it is going to be even harder then the impossible repair torch.
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